Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Things are looking better still

The dept. meeting went well today. It was nothing earth-shattering, but I think it went well. It was really good to get to do some work with my colleagues in the department, especially the woman who is teaching the same courses as I am. We did some really good planning together, and I think it's going to go well. That said, I can see it is going to be very difficult to juggle my teaching & my chair responsibilities -- it already is! But, I am relieved to just be teaching one section of each of my two preps, and one of my classes only has five kids in it. And history classes only meet four times a week, so my teaching load could be a LOT worse. Now the next big challenge in that dept. is going to be when I run a meeting in Spanish!!! But I am not going to worry about that now.

In the continuing apartment saga, a guy came and fixed my burners today! Yippee! They actually got REALLY hot, and I am despairing a little less about the cooking situation. Now for the oven. . .

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