Saturday, August 1, 2009

Not wasting any time

Yesterday, on very short notice, I was informed that my boss wanted to see me at school, so I unexpectedly had my first day of work a day earlier than I had expected. I met with my boss, Luisa, and then did some work on my own; we didn't leave the campus til it was dark and I was completely overwhelmed.

Now, after the new teacher orientation day, I am only slightly less overwhelmed. I was definitely shell-shocked this morning when I had to participate in the meeting of the school's Academic Council -- made up of the principals, heads of schools, and heads of department. Fortunately, somebody later said to me (the only gringa in the room) that they could tell my Spanish was good because I looked like I knew what was going on in that meeting. Although it was true that I did follow the meeting just fine, I'm not sure how "with it" I look will always be the best indicator of whether or not I actually know what's going on!

As for the rest of my VERY FIRST DAY AT WORK? My colleagues seem really lovely. The campus is beautiful. The lunch was awesome. I have fifteen thousand things to get done in the next 24 hours so I am ready to meet my whole department on Monday. I am so tired I am not sure I'm going to be able to wash my face before I go to bed.

P.S. Don't go to your local Exito supermarket on a Saturday evening because it will be a mob scene of spectacular proportions. Or, go expecting a party! Tonight there was a band, a lady demonstrating the Wii, and free shots being offered by 1. a guy dressed as a bottle of Colombian rum, 2. busty young women in really tight pants and really small tank tops (offering some other kind of rum), and 3. a lady in a different tight outfit + silver knee-high boots (offering local aguardiente).

1 comment:

  1. Sounds WAY nicer than a Saturday at the Fresh Pond Wholefoods. Is this the place where you started elbowing old ladies?!
