Monday, September 14, 2009

A little homesick, actually

After having another great weekly online chat session with one friend last night, after missing another dear friend's mom's memorial celebration on Saturday, and after laughing my ass off in a wonderful Skype session with still another friend last week, I decided today that I wasn't quite sure I could make it til Christmas to see everyone. Even though I already have tickets to go to MedellĂ­n and I know it's pretty wussy and I know I haven't been gone very long, I decided to look at fares to go to Boston during my five days off next month. In the hour between the time I decided to look and when I actually did, I started to get really excited at the prospect of seeing people. In the subsequent five minutes -- in which I ascertained that the ticket would be like $700 -- I got really bummed, really fast. Oh right! This is what it feels like to be far away from people you care about. You can't just get on a plane and go see them because you want to. You have to suck up the fact that you don't get to see them or give them the big hug you'd like to, when you'd like to. This is really the first time I've felt this way since I've been here. I guess Skype and G-chat and all that stuff is a double-edged sword. While it makes people feel less far away, it tricks you into forgetting how far away they actually are. So for all of you, including those I mentioned here (you know who you are), I miss you. And I am trusting that December will be here before we know it.

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