Friday, July 17, 2009

Counting down

The up-side of stress-induced insomnia? It makes for extra time to fire up the blog you've just told the entire universe about.

This will be brief, because otherwise it will be a long and boring venting session about how difficult it is to wrap up your life in one city in preparation for an international move. One particular low-light in that department that's maybe worth mentioning: yesterday I went to FedEx to get some of the forms I need to ship some of my stuff to Colombia. I explained to the guy at the counter that I had some questions about the customs form, and he said I had to be really careful shipping to South America because those countries are really strict about what comes in. (He also said, "And you know why," which made me want to point out to him that they are a LOT more worried about the "stuff" (wink-wink, nudge-nudge) that goes out, but whatever). He asked to what specific country I was shipping, and I told him Colombia. At which point he just laughed in my face. Seriously. Thanks, dude. It's not like I wasn't already totally freaking out about having a few of my possessions make it to the place I am going to be living for two years. Anyway, he pulled himself together and proceeded to be moderately helpful. I tried to make sense of the insane forms he gave me. Then I met some friends for dinner and had a stiff gin & tonic. That helped a little.

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